Large Sized Indian Coin Silver Hanuman Pendant


Another beautiful Indian silver pendant was handmade approximately 100 years ago, featuring a picture of Hanuman, the Hindu Monkey god. Hanuman is known for his strength and cleverness in fighting demons. The work is beautiful, with wonderful wear and patina. The pendant is also quite heavy, with nice solid silver bails. In total, it weighs slightly over 20 grams.

The pendant measures almost 3 inches high by 2 inches wide.

The most common source of silver in 19th and early 20th century Indian silver work was old silver coins, which are approximately 80% silver, and that is what this pendant is made out of. This pendant was made in the Repousse technique, which is a metalworking technique in which thin sheets of malleable metal are ornamented or shaped by hammering from the reverse side to create a design in low relief.

Hanuman is a Hindu deity, noted for his loyalty to Lord Rama. According to Wikipedia:

Hanuman is a Hindu deity, who was an ardent devotee of Rama according to the Hindu legends. He is a central character in the Indian epic Ramayana and its various versions. He also finds mentions in several other texts, including Mahabharata, the various Puranas and some Jain texts.

A vanara (monkey-like humanoid), Hanuman participated in Rama's war against the demon king Ravana. According to Jain texts, Hanuman is a human of vanara clan whose emblem is the monkey. Several texts also present him as an incarnation of Lord Shiva. He is the son of Vayu, who according to several stories, played a role in his birth.

Hanuman is worshipped by villagers as a boundary guardian, by Shaiva ascetics as a Yogi, and by wrestlers for his strength. There are numerous temples for Hanuman, and his images are usually installed at all temples where images of avatars of Vishnu are installed. Hanuman temples are believed to keep the area and surroundings free of rakshasas (demons) and other evil beings. Hanuman idols are found on mountain roads because it is believed that he protects people from accidents.

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